Cataloging Single Issue Serial
Cataloging Single Issue Serial' title='Cataloging Single Issue Serial' />Rock Island Auctions Distances Itself from James D. Julias Fake Guns. Written by Rock Island Auctions Joel R. Kolander In the business of firearms auctions, it is simply an unavoidable fact of life that one is going to come across what is known as a spurious firearm. For those unfamiliar with the term, spurious is the most gracious way of calling something a fake. Phony. Bogus. At its most innocent, a fake or counterfeit item can be sold as such. Print. EQUIPMENT CATALOGUING J. McRee Mac Elrod. 4 February 2013. These procedures are local SLC practice. Equipment may be catalogued using AACR2 Chapter 10. Someone may want that Russian Contract 1. Cyrillic text, as a representation of the original but at only a fraction of the cost. In fact, many replica cars are sold just the same way. You wouldnt find me turning down a replica of a 1. AC Cobra, but Im definitely not going to pay the same price as the original. There is a market for such pieces given that they are priced accordingly and disclosed as such to the buying public. Overview+What+are+serial+analytics+Why+do+we+catalog+this+way.jpg' alt='Cataloging Single Issue Serial' title='Cataloging Single Issue Serial' />Much like the AC Cobra example, replicas can be extremely desirable and a lot of fun. Sometimes, either collectors, and even auction houses, can make mistakes in good faith. Perhaps they in possession of such a meticulously crafted forgery that it is impossible to tell the difference save for some of the worlds foremost experts. Is anyone to be held to blame in such an event except the forger No, for both parties acted in good faith and intent with what they thought was a real object. However, if after the fact the buyer were to find that their item was not 1. It is exactly scenarios like this why Rock Island Auction Company offers a guarantee of the headline of every single item in their Premiere Firearms Auctions. Roll Call providing Capitol Hill and Washington, DC news, objective facts and analysis along with coverage political campaigns and elections. An International Standard Serial Number ISSN is an eightdigit serial number used to uniquely identify a serial publication. The ISSN is especially helpful in. PUBLISHERS OF FINE BOOKS FOR THE GUN COLLECTOR Does this rear sight belong on a. Springfield Trapdoor carbine with this serial number Answer No, it. ODLIS Online Dictionary for Library and Information Science by Joan M. Reitz Now available in print Order a copy of the hardcover or paperback from Libraries Unlimited. Should that item not be as advertised in the items headline, RIAC will make it right via a full refund. We even put it in the front of every Premiere Auction Catalog right there in the Terms and Conditions. Honesty and integrity are two qualities indispensable to an auction house, or any selling business. Its as simple as knowing that if you burn someone once, theyre not going to return, and if there are too many people who question their transactions, the sellers carefully built reputation can nose dive faster than German U boat. Businesses stand to gain much more from positive experiences and good word of mouth advertising, then they could ever achieve by being less than completely truthful. It is with that dedication and responsibility to fairness, that we can examine the last kind of spurious arms out and out fakes maliciously sold as the genuine article for profit. Cataloging Single Issue Serial' title='Cataloging Single Issue Serial' />It goes without saying that the faking of firearms hurts the collecting community. Not only is it fraudulent, it erodes trust, and could potentially lower the prices of authentic items. Jim Supica, current Museum Director of NRA Museums, once detailed several types of fraud in an article he wrote for the Blue Book of Gun Values. Aging and modifying a modern reproduction or replica firearm to pass it as an original Altering a common model to make it appear to be a rare model Adding modern engraving to an older gun, and passing it as original period engraving Creating false historical documentation or attribution of historical usage. Altering a firearm to a more valuable configuration for example, rare barrel length, uncommon finish, special grips, or fancy stock, rare caliber. Upgrading a low grade gun to resemble a higher grade by the same maker. As we mentioned before, even Rock Island Auction Company is not immune to these types of guns, and the obvious recourse is to make it right. How To Soften Sugar Wax more. We have done so on numerous occasions, most notably on an episode of our T. V. show Ready, Aim, Sold when we found we were dealing with a fake Winchester 1 of 1,0. You may wonder why we wrote this article. It is the need to distance ourselves from several potentially spurious firearms previously in our possession and sold by RIAC and currently being offered for sale at James D. Julia Auction. In their auction is a collection with many firearms with claims of provenance to the Battle of Little Bighorn, Gen. Software Cost Estimation Cocomo Ii Pdf more. George Custer, and several Native American warriors. However, the claims of provenance appear downright false and we know because we have previously sold some of the firearms in question. We would like it to be known that Rock Island Auction Company never sold any of the guns in this collection with any of their current provenance claims and did not sell them to the current consignor of James Julia. Two of the firearms in question were sold by RIAC, to a dealer, within the last 1. A third, a single action revolver with alleged ties to Cheyenne chief Two Moons, was previously turned down by RIAC from this same Julia consignor when its lack of documentation was discovered. However it was sold in a previous James Julia sale for an enormous amount of money. A fourth firearm was sold by Little Johns auction house during their May 2. It is also being listed again with questionable claims. Sudden Strike 2 No Cd Patch there. Now, since we have discovered these questionable guns, James D. Julia has pulled them from their website catalog. We do not know what their plans are with these guns, but we are hoping it is a transparent act in the spirit of honesty to help return some peace of mind to the collecting community. Further we wonder what recourse the buyers of the same consignor items in the Julia sale in March have However, as it currently stands, we are not optimistic for a positive outcome for the people for the following reasons. The first reason lies in the listing for a facsimile Colt Walker sold by them in their sale held in the spring of 2. In the items description, after touting what an excellent fake the gun is, the following sentence appears in the items official description Fool your enemies, sell them this great fake. Those are words you will never find at Rock Island Auction Company. As discussed earlier, to sell guns openly disclosed as fakes or replicas is one matter, but to encourage deception of another firearms collector is something that no collector or investor should abide. This sort of sentiment, in combination with the wild claims of provenance, should cause grave concern to any buyer who purchased some of the 2. James D. Julia March 2. We began this article by stating that every auction house will, from time to time, receive fake guns. Julias is no exception and we await to see how they not only handle the items currently removed from their website, but also the 2. March. Let it be known that, yes, we sold some of these guns previously, we as in RIAC yet we have no ties to this obvious deception now on going in the next James Julia sale.